In order to generate or earn income in canada as a foreign national or non-resident of canada one is required to get a WORK PERMIT or an AUTHORIZATION TO WORK WITHOUT PERMIT to be issued to them by the government of Canada after meeting all the eligibility criteria before applying for the work permit. Therefore , work permit can be issued under two broad categories :
- Temporary Foreign Worker program (LMIA based work permit)
- International Mobility Program (work permit without LMIA)
Temporary Foreign Work Program:-
It’s an employer program where an employer meets all the eligibility to get a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) in order make themselves able to hire an foreign national to work up in their business aura instead of canadian citizens or permanent resident .
Futhermore, the employer have to advertise the job vacancy minimum 4 weeks before filing the LMIA application ; Along with the pre-requisite skill required for that particular job . By promoting the vacancy 4 at least 4 weeks prior the employer had to present a clearance that there is no qualified Canadian citizen or permanent residency holder to meet the vacancy requirements .
Thereby , if an employer gets his/her LMIA issued , than the non – resident can apply for their work permit by processing their files through one of our agents.
International Mobility Program:-
An international mobility program is literally , contrary to the one mentioned above as it allows the employer to hire the foreign national without any need of getting LMIA. As it involves all the work permit classes that does not require LMIA. Some of it’s instances include indiviuals with open work permit, international trade agreements ,intra- company transferees and people who are eligible to file an application for open work permit.
Totally depending upon the type of international mobility program issued an employer may also have to pay a compliance amount of money and in some cases make also require to submit an offer that too prior than hiring a foreign national. But if they are appointing an indiviual with an open work permit than the above mentioned condition becomes null or are not required to be fulfilled .
Open work permit – LMIA exempt (IMP):-
As it’s holder is eligible to work under or for any employer with none or few restrictions.
Open work permit includes:-
- Bridging open work permit
- Post-graduate work permit
- Inland spousal sponsorship
- Spouse of temporary foreign worker (skilled worker)
- Refugee claimants
- International student spouse
- PR applicant from within canada
- Professional athelets
- International experience canada
- Humanitarian reasons
- Canada world youth participants program
- Post-secondary co-op
- Family members of foreign reprenstatives
- Work authorized to enter canada on reciprocal basis